The offices for Community Development and Housing at Muscatine City Hall (the second floor) will be closed to the public starting Monday, Nov. 16, according to Carol Webb, Muscatine City Administrator.
Webb had earlier announced that all staff and visitors to Muscatine City Hall will be required to wear a mask while inside the building, and additional measures are being implemented to help protect the health of staff and the public.
“With the surge in cases of coronavirus we felt it was time to implement these measures to help slow the spread, and preserve the health of our staff and visiting public,” Webb said. “We want to make sure that all the services we provide will continue without interruption, but the health of our employees and visitors is our top priority.”
Public access to the Finance Department, Human Resources, and Parks and Recreation will continue for the time being, but access to Administration will be by appointment only. Restrictions are also in place for public access to other City buildings with limited access to Public Safety and Public Works.
“We would like to encourage people who need to interact with Housing and Community Development to use the drop box or to contact that department through electronic means, but we are open for our other normal activities,” Stephanie Romagnoli, Human Resource Manager, said.
The drop box is located near the lower level entrance to City Hall and can be used for plan sets, applications, or supporting documents.
Parking payments can be made online at the following link Parking Payments.
Building permits may be applied for online, and applications for Sunset Park, the Clark House, Hershey Manor, and voucher/section 8 can also be downloaded. [Building permits, public housing applications, and voucher/section 8 applications]. The public can also call 563-262-4141 to speak with a representative in Housing or Community Development.
People who would like to apply for employment opportunities with the City of Muscatine can download the application online and email the documents to The application documents can also be emailed to Human Resources, Muscatine City Hall, 215 Sycamore Street, Muscatine, IA 52761.
Parks and Recreation also offers a pay by phone service with links available on their website at Parks & Recreation.
“Anyone that has questions can call 563-263-0241 or email at any time,” Richard Klimes, Parks and Recreation Director, said.
Meetings of the Muscatine City Council will be held through the GoToMeeting application with a phone number and access code made available at least 24 hours prior to the meeting for the public to listen in or to comment on items before the Council. The meetings are also available on the City of Muscatine YouTube channel and on Cable Channel 2.
Meetings of the various boards and commissions will meet through the GoToMeeting application unless there is a need for the board or commission to meet in person. In person meetings may be held if adequate social distancing can be maintained and masks will be required.
All City staff will be available to answer questions by phone or email during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.). Please call 563-264-1550 to speak with a staff member at City Hall. Contact information and information on the City’s COVID-19 response can be found on the city website.
The Muscatine Transfer Station and Compost Site remains open to the public.
This story originally appeared on the Voice of Muscatine. Read More local stories here.
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