Iowa farmer enters into carbon credit program with Corteva


Iowa farmer enters into carbon credit program with Corteva

A northern Iowa corn and soybean farmer recently entered about three-quarters of his acres into a carbon credit program.

Josh Nelson of Belmond tells Brownfield it’s through Corteva.

“In part because it didn’t seem to attach a lot of strings to it, and it was a short-term agreement (of) just two years as opposed to some of the five to ten-year arrangements that some of these other companies have offered.”

Nelson says the program ties closely to many of the systems he’s already using to track data, which is appealing.

And revenue is based on practice and longevity.

“So in the Corteva situation, I know that they’re paying between $5 and $20 per-acre to do no-till and cover crops. But it’s also based on historical practices.”

Nelson says what he means by that is a farmer who has cover crops but is not no-till will probably be paid less than a farmer implementing those practices for the first time.

This story originally appeared on the Voice of Muscatine. Read More local stories here.

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