Iowa farmer sees more good than bad as harvest nears finish line

By Filed Under: Crops, Iowa, News

A southeast Iowa farmer is focused on the positives as he nears the end of harvest.

Ryan Heiniger grows corn and soybeans in Des Moines County and tells Brownfield weather presented several challenges throughout the growing season.

“But all things considered with so many of our other farmer friends across the state and region (and what) they’ve experienced, I’ll take 2021 more often than not. So we’re pleased with the results we’ve seen and looking forward to wrapping up here soon once it dries out again.”

He says it’s wet now, and it was wet early on.

“We had fairly good moisture after most of the crops were in, and it kind of went to the extreme on the other side where June was exceptionally wet. And we had the consequences that can come with that, but feel blessed with the amount of precipitation we did have (compared to those in drought areas).”

Heiniger says his soybeans benefited from ample moisture, but the corn suffered from roots being wet too long.