City Council to hold public hearing Thursday on revised animal control ordinance

The Muscatine City Council will conduct a public hearing on changes to the Animal Control Ordinance, and then hear the first reading of that ordinance during Thursday’s meeting in the Council Chambers at Muscatine City Hall.

A virtual meeting will be held in conjunction with the in-person meeting for those who want to view the proceedings or make a comment but do not feel comfortable in attending in person. Details for joining that meeting are listed below.

The Muscatine City Council directed staff to prepare changes to portions of Title 6, Chapter 8 of Muscatine City Code related to animal regulations during the October 14, 2021, in-depth meeting. Substantial changes were proposed by staff during the January 13, 2022, in-depth meeting, and the code was revised following feedback from City Council.

A summary of the changes can be found by clicking the link on the February 3 City Council agenda or download the file by clicking Animal Control Revisions.

“It is possible that additional resources will be needed to effectively enforce the proposed code changes,” Carol Webb, City Administrator said in her memo to the City Council. “City staff will seek to offset those costs to some degree through appropriate fees and penalties associated with animal control.”

The Council will be asked to set a public hearing for revisions to the Standard Penalties section of Muscatine City Code (Title 1, Chapter 2, Section 14). The public hearing will be scheduled for February 17 if approved by Council.

Three other public hearings will be held Thursday, each a part of the South End Improvement Project. The first of the three will be on the plans, specifications, form of contract, cost estimate, and bid opening date for the Taylor Park Improvement Project. The second concerning bid documents for the Taylor Park Splashpad Project, and the third on the High-Intensity Activated crosswalk (HAWK) Project.

Thursday’s City Council meeting is open to the public. Citizens attending the meeting are asked to follow current CDC (Centers for Disease Control) recommendations for wearing a mask indoors whether vaccinated or not. The City of Muscatine does not require wearing a mask, but does urge the public to follow Public Health and CDC recommendations.

Citizens who do not want to attend the in-person meeting can watch and/or participate through the GoToMeeting virtual meeting portal. Information on joining the session and how to make a comment during the meeting is listed below. The session will also be broadcast live on the City of Muscatine YouTube channel and on Muscatine Power & Water Cable Channel 2.

Information on the presentations and other agenda items can be found by clicking AGENDA to download the February 3, 2022, City Council agenda and/or attachments.

The best way for the public to participate is to dial in to the GoToMeeting session, mute your device, watch the session on YouTube or Cable Channel 2, and, at the appropriate time, unmute your device to ask a question or make a comment. The public can also use the “chat” feature on the GoToMeeting virtual meeting to pose a question to the Mayor, Council, or staff member.

Muscatine City Council Regular Meeting | Thu, Feb. 3, 2022 | 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (CDT)

Join the meeting from your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone by clicking the following link:

You can also use your phone by dialing +1 (669) 224-3412, follow the prompts, and type in Access Code 970-499-597 when prompted.

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Please mute your computer or phone while listening to the proceedings (press *6 when using phone or mute button on computer). A chat window is available when you use your computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Those wishing to speak or to ask a question are asked to use the chat box to post a message that will be seen by the Mayor who will address the questions or call on the speaker in turn. Those using their phones must wait until the Mayor asks for additional comments. The Mayor will recognize you prior to you addressing the Council.