Council to hear five presentations this evening

[City of Muscatine]

City of Muscatine staff will be making five presentations to the Muscatine City Council Thursday during the in-depth council session. City Council meets at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Muscatine City Hall.

The public is welcomed, and encouraged, to attend the meeting in person. A virtual option is available for citizens who do not want to attend in-person. Information on joining the virtual session through the GoToMeeting portal is listed below.

The City Council session will also be broadcast live on the City of Muscatine YouTube channel and on Civic-TV (Muscatine Power & Water Cable Channel 2).

The Council will hear from the Parks and Recreation director Rich Klimes and Program Supervisor Kelsie Stafford on the Special Events Process. City staff assist with the coordination of 150-200 special events on public property annually. The public property venues available for hosting events include but are not limited to park shelters and open green spaces, Riverview Center, Pearl City Station, Kent Stein Park, Riverfront, general parks, Muscatine Soccer Complex, Muscatine Municipal Golf Course, Muscatine Aquatic Center, public streets, and the Downtown area.

Water and Resource Recovery Facility Director Jon Koch will be joined by Jay Brady from Stanley Consultants on presenting the Capital Improvement Plan for the Water and Resource Recovery Facility, city owned lift stations, and the gatewells operated among multiple levees in the city. The general condition of the existing facilities was established and a prioritized capital improvement plan developed to guide investments in these assets.

Koch will then introduce Bob Veenstra of Veenstra and Kim who will present the findings of the latest Sewer Rate Study that, if approved by Council, would be used to adjust the Sewer User Rates along with the Collection and Drainage Rates. The current sewer rate structure is expiring on June 30. The last study was conducted in 2018 and set the rates for the next five years. The latest study was initiated in September 2022 and concluded that a continuation of the three percent annual increase to the rates will satisfy inflation-driven cost increases as well as new capital needs at the Water and Resource Recovery Facility and lift stations.

Assistant Community Development Director Andrew Fangman will discuss the impact of changes in state law that directly affect City Code on Home Occupations. Fangman will also address potential updates to the nuisance appeal process.

Information on the other agenda items can be found by clicking AGENDA to download a PDF version of the City Council agenda and/or attachments.

On-Line Participation

To view or participate virtually, click on the link below or call in to the GoToMeeting. Be sure to mute your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone (press *6 when using phone or mute button on computer). At the appropriate time, you will be able to unmute your device to ask a question or make a comment. The public can also use the “chat” feature on GoToMeeting to pose a question to the Mayor, Council, or staff member. Those wishing to speak should use the chat box to post a message that will be seen by the Mayor who will address the questions or call on the speaker in turn. Those using their phones must wait until the Mayor asks for additional comments. The mayor will recognize you prior to you addressing the Council.

Muscatine City Council Meeting | Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (CDT)

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