An informative in-depth session awaits the Muscatine City Council this evening with six presentations on the May 11 agenda including a discussion on the impacts of the Property Tax Reform Bill recently adopted by the Iowa Legislature.
The City Council will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday in the Council Chambers at Muscatine City Hall. The public is welcomed, and encouraged, to attend the meeting in person. A virtual option is available for citizens who do not want to attend in-person. Information on joining the virtual session through the GoToMeeting portal is listed below.
The City Council session will also be broadcast live on the City of Muscatine YouTube channel and on Civic-TV (Muscatine Power & Water Cable Channel 2).
The evening will begin with a review of a proposed ordinance and policy regarding the disposal of surplus real property by the City of Muscatine. The proposal defines the process for declaring a parcel as surplus, the various methods for disposing of surplus property, and how the value of the property is determined. The discussion will be led by City Administrator Carol Webb.
That will be followed by a presentation on recent housing activity that supports the City Council’s goal of creating vibrant neighborhoods, and further supports the City of Muscatine’s housing plan (Ignite Vitality through Workforce Housing) that was adopted by City Council in April 2021. Community Development Director Jodi Royal-Goodwin will lead the discussion.
Public Works Director Brian Stineman will provide the City Council with an update on current construction projects and an overview of future projects. Upcoming projects include West Hill Phase 6 A&B and Fulliam Avenue Reconstruction Phase I both starting in June 2023.
A discussion on the impacts of the Property Tax Reform Bill recently adopted by the Iowa Legislature will be lead by Webb and Finance Director Nancy Lueck. Municipalities across Iowa are working to determine the impacts of the reform bill and how these impacts will affect services provided by city governments to their citizens.
RAGBRAI planning activities will be presented by Nick Gow and Rebecca Paulsen, members of the RAGBRAI committee. The evening will round out with a discussion of a proposed public art installation inside Riverside Park that would feature a slice of a watermelon.
Information on the other agenda items can be found by clicking AGENDA to download a PDF version of the City Council agenda and/or attachments.
On-Line Participation
To view or participate virtually, click on the link below or call in to the GoToMeeting. Be sure to mute your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone (press *6 when using phone or mute button on computer). At the appropriate time, you will be able to unmute your device to ask a question or make a comment. The public can also use the “chat” feature on GoToMeeting to pose a question to the Mayor, Council, or staff member. Those wishing to speak should use the chat box to post a message that will be seen by the Mayor who will address the questions or call on the speaker in turn. Those using their phones must wait until the Mayor asks for additional comments. The mayor will recognize you prior to you addressing the Council.
Muscatine City Council Meeting | Thursday, May 11, 2023 | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (CDT)
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