Three public hearings to be heard by City Council – Voice Of Muscatine

Public hearings on the sale of two properties at 891 W. 8th Street, the UV Replacement Project at the Water Resource and Recovery Facility, and on amendments to the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan highlight the Muscatine City Council meeting Thursday, September 7, in the Council Chambers at Muscatine City Hall. The meeting begins at 6 p.m.

The public is welcomed and encouraged to attend the meeting in person. Information on joining a virtual session of the meeting is listed below. The virtual option is free and available for anyone who wants to watch the proceedings but cannot attend the meeting in person.

The City Council session will also be broadcast live on the City of Muscatine YouTube channel and on Civic-TV (Muscatine Power & Water Cable Channel 2).

The first public hearing, and subsequent resolution, requests Council approval to declare the property and adjacent parcel at 891 W. 8th Street as surplus and authorize the sale of the property by sealed bid. The property was purchased by the City of Muscatine as part of Phase 5 of the West Hill Sanitary and Storm Sewer Separation Project. The sale would return the properties back to the property tax rolls. Interested parties will have the opportunity to submit a sealed bid by September 19, 2023. 

The second public hearing is on a $1.2 million UV Replacement Project that would replace the current UV equipment that is no longer reliable enough to ensure continuous disinfection of the plant effluent as required by the state. The approval of a resolution on the plans and specifications, the form of contract, cost estimates, and setting a bid opening date will be voted on by Council later in the meeting.

The third public hearing is on amendments to the administrative policies of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan to better serve the targeted population. Amendments include adjustments to processes for waiting lists, income verification, and targeting, leasing processes and payments, and background checks. Amendments to the Administrative Plan require City Council, acting as the Board of Commissioners of the MMHA, approval following a 45-day public comment period and a public hearing. A resolution approving the changes will be voted on later in the meeting.

There will be a change to the Council meeting schedule this month as several members, along with the City Administrator, will be absent for the September 21 scheduled meeting due to their attendance at the Iowa League of Cities annual meeting. The September 21 meeting will be moved up to 6 p.m. on September 14 with the scheduled in-depth session to be held immediately after the regular meeting.

Among other items on the September 76 agenda:

  • Swearing in of Police Officer Zachary Mullen.
  • Approval of the use of city property on December 1, 2023, for the annual Jingle and Mingle in Downtown Muscatine.
  • Sale of city property at 619 Hope Avenue to Muscatine County Area Habitat for Humanity, Inc.
  • Approval of a $1.295 million contract with Bill Bruce Builders for a Vehicle Wash Bay at the Public Works facility.
  • Approval of a joint purchase agreement with Muscatine County for the purchase of real estate to develop a Law Enforcement Shooting Range and Training Facility. 

Information on the other agenda items can be found by clicking AGENDA to download a PDF version of the City Council agenda and/or attachments. 

Muscatine City Council Meeting | Thursday, September 7, 2023 | 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (CDT)

Join the virtual Zoom meeting from your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone by clicking the following link: Muscatine City Council September 7, 2023 Meeting

Meeting ID: 825 5169 1259

Passcode: 927879