Two public hearings will be conducted when the Muscatine City Council meets tonight, Thursday, September 19, the first on changes to City Code regarding appointments to the Historic Preservation Commission and the second on entering a sewer improvement loan agreement for Phase 6C of the West Hill Sanitary and Storm Sewer Separation Project.
The public is welcomed, and encouraged, to attend when the Council meets at 6 p.m. Thursday in the City Council Chambers on the second flood of Muscatine City Hall. The meetings are open to all individuals regardless of language spoken or disability. Any person requiring a reasonable accommodation to participate should contact the City Clerk’s office at 563-264-1500.
Mayor Brad Bark will open the meeting with a proclamation to set October 6-11 as Public Power Week recognizing the work and dedication of the Muscatine Power & Water staff.
A public hearing will be held on a general obligation loan for sewer improvement and a subsequent resolution to move forward with the proposal will be voted on the Council later in the meeting.
In January 2012, Public Financial Management (PFM), the City’s financial consultant, prepared a long-term financing plan for the West Hill project based on the project cost estimates prepared by Stanley Consultants. In the long-term financing plan, State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loans were projected to be needed to fund all five phases of Phase 6 plus the work required at the Papoose Pumping Station at the end of the project. The City issued the first SRF loan for Phases 6-A and 6-B in August 2023. The current SRF loan would be for Phase 6C in an amount not to exceed $8 million.
In other items the Council will consider and vote on:
- Authorizing the Muscatine Municipal Housing Authority to provide housing counseling services to the residents of Muscatine;
- Set a public hearing on November 7 to discuss the environmental impacts on West Hill Phase 6D;
- Permit the construction of the Muscatine Indoor Sports Complex to a height of 119.5 feet; and,
- Approve the grant application to the Railroad Crossing Elimination Program.
Details and additional information on these agenda items can be found by clicking AGENDA and clicking on the August 1 City Council Agenda link to view the agenda and/or attachments, or to download a PDF version of the City Council agenda and/or attachments.
Several options are available for those who cannot attend in person but would like to watch the proceedings. The City Council meeting will be broadcast live on the City of Muscatine YouTube channel and on Civic-TV (Muscatine Power & Water Cable Channel 2).