Avian Influenza confirmed in Illinois wild geese


Avian Influenza confirmed in Illinois wild geese

The first case of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Illinois this year has been detected in a wild bird population.

USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has confirmed HPAI in three wild Canadian geese in Will County. The Illinois Department of Agriculture reports that while there have been no confirmed cases in domestic poultry, the discovery shows the disease is present in the state and could be circulating through wild birds. There are confirmed cases in domestic poultry in surrounding states including Missouri, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, and Kentucky.

State Veterinarian Mark Ernst tells Brownfield poultry owners should increase biosecurity measures and keep poultry indoors, if possible, away from wild birds and their droppings.

Flock owners should report any unusual symptoms such as decreased feed and water consumption, respiratory symptoms, or sudden death of birds to IDOA or USDA immediately.