Disability Rights Iowa will host an in-person panel presentation in Iowa City on Assistance Animals for Mental Health. In person satellite viewings of this panel conversation will take place in Des Moines, Ottumwa, Cedar Rapids and Chariton.
The panel conversation consists of six individuals who collectively have legal expertise, mental health expertise, and lived experience. The panel will also be moderated by a legal expert. To register to attend any in-person viewing location, or for the online streaming of this event follow the URL linked in the next sentence. Please visit the event website: https://disabilityrightsiowa.org/events/mental-health-2/.
Disability Rights Iowa’s Executive Director Catherine Johnson, states “We are thrilled to be able to host this event for the second year in a row,” she adds “This year’s focus on assistance animals will shed light on an area of law that is often misunderstood.” Cyndy Miller, Disability Rights Iowa’s Legal Director says “The addition of continuing education credits for lawyers, social workers, and mental-health professionals is something we received feedback to add during last year’s event. We are happy to provide the credit this year.”
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all events hosted by Disability Rights Iowa. Communication Across Real Time Translation (CART) in English and Spanish, and American Sign Language will be provided for this event.
If you require an accommodation to participate in this event, please e-mail or call contact@driowa.org or 515-452-0757 prior to May 2, 5PM.
If you or a loved one are experiencing a life-threatening mental-health crisis, please call 911. If you or a loved one are experiencing a non-life-threatening mental-health crisis, please reach out to the Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273- 8255, prestamos Servicios en Español 1-888-628-9454, for deaf, hard of hearing, or hearing loss, dial 711, followed by 1- 800-273-8255.